Maximize Lead Generation & Conversion with Facebook Ads & CRM Automation
Friday, March 17th @ 12:00 PM EST | Featuring Jacob Shireman

This week’s topic is “Maximize Lead Generation & Conversion with Facebook Ads & CRM Automation” featuring Jacob Shireman.

Struggling to generate leads, follow up, and convert them into clients? Join Jacob Shireman and discover how to maximize your lead generation and conversion with Facebook Ads and CRM automation. Learn how to use Facebook Ads as an endless source of leads and connect them to your CRM using automation to streamline the process.

In this session, you’ll learn how to target your ideal audience, put them into a proven follow-up system, and convert them into clients with ease. This will help you scale your business efficiently, freeing up your time and allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your business.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take your lead generation and conversion to the next level. Join us this Friday and learn how to implement this in your business for greater success!

Photo of Jacob Shireman a Houston realtor and web designer

Jacob Shireman is an accomplished digital marketing expert with over 15 years of experience in the industry. He specializes in web design and SEO, utilizing his deep understanding of the latest trends and best practices to deliver exceptional results for clients. Bilingual in English and Spanish, Jacob is able to effectively communicate and connect with a diverse range of audiences.

As a Co-Founder of Karuvi and Marketing Mindset, Jacob has been instrumental in helping countless real estate agents increase their visibility, generate leads, and grow their businesses.